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Rhodes University
Trust USA

Donovan Neale-May
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
+1 650-222-5260

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Vice Chancellor News

Rhodes University 2024
May 2024
Mid-year Update from the Vice Chancellor Prof. Sizwe Mabizela
Extracts from Report to the Board of Governors, May 16, 2024.

"We remain true and faithful to our new vision, mission and our transformative purpose as a research intensive university in a country and world with manychallenges. Our commitment to fostering a better society and a better world is unwavering."
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VC's letter to the graduates of 2021
Apr 23, 2021

Dear Rhodes University graduand,
On behalf of our Chancellor, the University Council and the entire Rhodes University community, I offer our heartfelt congratulations to you on your graduation from our University. To attain a Rhodes University qualification is an exacting proposition in the best of times; and to earn one under the extraordinarily trying circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic must have taken something truly special. You've risen to the challenge with remarkable fortitude, resilience and determination. Hearty congratulations!

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Jonas shares leadership vision

VC's letter to the Masters and Doctoral graduates of 2020
Oct 29, 2020

Dear Rhodes University graduate,
On behalf of our Chancellor, Council and the entire Rhodes University community, I offer you our warmest and proud congratulations on graduating with a Masters or PhD degree from Rhodes University. Without hard work, perseverance and a dogged determination, you would not have reached this important milestone in your academic pursuits. Read More | Watch video


Luzuko Jacobs

Head of International Fundraising, Rhodes University

Rhodes University Seeks Greater Global Relevance With Alumni Help.

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Manager of Alumni Relations at Rhodes University.

How is Rhodes handling and prioritizing the growing number of financial aid requests from students?

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